Archive for Category : G Archives - CD-2-DVD // Conversions, Software & Custom Installers



1) Create a Temp folder on your harddrive. Name this folder: GUNDVD. This will be the name (Label) of our DVD. 2) Copy all the contents from CD3 to the Temp folder. 3) Copy all the contents from CD2 to the same Temp folder. Overwrite any files if prompted. 4) Copy all the contents from[…]


Guild Wars

1) Create a Temp folder on your harddrive. Name this folder: Guild_Wars. This will be the name (Label) of our DVD. 2) Copy all the contents from CD1 to the Temp folder. 3) Copy all the contents from CD2 to the same Temp folder. Do NOT overwrite any files if prompted! 4) Using the Notepad,[…]


GTR – FIA GT Racing

1) Create a Temp folder on your harddrive. Name this folder: GTR_DVD. This will be the Name (Label) of our DVD. 2) Copy all the contents from CD1 to the Temp folder. 3) Copy all the contents from CD2 to the same Temp folder. 4) Create another folder’s for any Updates, Serial, Patches and or[…]


GTi Racing

1) Create a Temp folder on your hardrive. Name this folder: GTi. This will be the name (Label) of our DVD. 2) Download my GTi Racing Custom Installer from here and extract the contents of the RAR file to the GTi folder overwriting any files if prompted. (Custom Installer created by Thrillkill.) Note: Extracted from[…]


GTA1 + GTA2 + GTA3 + Vice City + San Andreas

NOTE: This conversion will need to be created on a DVD9 (Dual Layered) disc! 1) Create a Temp folder on your hardrive. Name this folder: GTA_DVD. This will be the name (Label) of our DVD. 2) Download the GTA_DVD Custom Installer from here and extract the contents of the RAR file to the GTA_DVD folder.[…]


GTA 3 + Vice City

The layout of this conversion is to suit my Install Menu, available for download here, so the naming of files and the location of files and Directories are very important for the Menu to work correctly. Name the files exactly as they appear in the conversion! 1) Create a Temp directory on your hardrive and[…]


Grim Fandango

1) Create a Temp folder on your hardrive. Name this folder: GRIM_DVD. This will be the Name (Label) of our DVD. 2) Copy all the contents from CD1 to the Temp folder. 3) Copy all the contents from CD2 to the same Temp folder, don’t overwrite any files. 4) Create another folder’s for any Updates,[…]


Grand Theft Auto: Vice City

1) Create a Temp folder on your hardrive. Name this folder: GTA_Vice_City. This will be the name (Label) of our DVD. 2) Copy the contents of the GTA Vice City CD1 to the Temp directory. 3) From CD2 copy the “Audio” directory to the same Temp directory. 4) Create another folder’s for any Updates, and[…]


Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas + Multi Theft Auto

Note: This installer was made with the DVD version of San Andreas. The conversion of Grand Theft Auto San Andreas to a DVD is unknown at this time. 1) Create a Temp folder on your harddrive. Name this folder: GTA_SAN_ANDREAS. This will be the name (Label) of our DVD. 2) Copy the GTA San Andreas[…]


Gothic 2 GOLD Edition with Night of Raven (Polish Version)

1) Create a Temp folder on your harddrive. Name this folder: Gothic2_DVD. This will be the name (Label) of our DVD. 2) Copy all the contents from CD1 to the Temp folder. 3) Then copy all the contents from CD2 and CD3 to the same folder .Don””t overwrite anything if asked. 4) Inside Gothic2_DVD folder[…]


Gothic 2 (German Version)

1) Create a Temp folder on your harddrive. Name this folder: Gothic2_DVD. This will be the name (Label) of our DVD. 2) Copy all the contents from CD1 to the Temp folder. 3) From CD2 copy the “Gothic2-Setup-W02” to the same Temp folder. 4) From CD3 copy the folders “ArxDemo” and “DirectX”. From CD3 also[…]



1) Create a Temp folder on your harddrive. Name this folder: GOTHIC_CD. This will be the name (Label) of our DVD. 2) Copy the contents of Gothic Disc 2 to the folder. 3) Copy the contents of Gothic Disc 1 to the folder (Overwrite any files, if prompted). 4) (Optional) Create another folder named “Updates”[…]


Gorasul: Legacy of the Dragon

1) Create a Temp folder on your hardrive. Name this folder: DISK1. This will be the name (Label) of our DVD. 2) Copy all the contents from CD1 to the Temp folder. 3) Copy all the contents from CD2 to the same Temp folder. Choose Yes to overwrite any files if prompted. 4) Copy all[…]


Gladiator: Sword of Vengeance

1) Create a Temp folder on your harddrive. Name this folder: Gladiator_DVD This will be the name (Label) of our DVD. 2) Copy all the contents from CD1 to the Temp folder. 3) Copy all the contents from CD2 to the same Temp folder. Overwrite any files if prompted. 4) Download and Install “Orca” Once[…]


Giants: Citizen Kabuto

1) Create a Temp folder on your hardrive. Name this folder: GIANTS_DVD. This will be the name (Label) of our DVD. 2) Copy all the contents of CD1 to the GIANTS_DVD folder. 3) Copy all the contents from CD2 to the same GIANTS_DVD folder. There are no duplicate files to overwrite. 4) Create another folder’s[…]


Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter

1) Create a Temp folder on your hardrive. Name this folder: GRAW. This will be the name (Label) of our DVD. 2) Copy all the contents from CD1 to the Temp folder. 3) From CD2 copy the files only to the same Temp folder. 4) From CD3 again copy the files only, and[…]


Ghost Recon + Desert Siege + Island Thunder

1) Create a temp folder called GHOSTRECON_ALL. This folder will be root of our DVD. 2) Inside temp folder (GHOSTRECON_ALL) create a folder called GHOSTRECON. Copy all files and folders from Ghost Recon CD into the GHOSTRECON folder. 3) Inside temp folder (GHOSTRECON_ALL) create a folder called DESERTSIEGE. Copy all files and folders from Ghost[…]


Genesis Rising: The Universal Crusade

1) Create a Temp folder on your hardrive. Name this folder: GRTUC. This will be the name (Label) of our DVD. 2) Copy all the contents from CD1 to the Temp folder. 3) From CD2 copy the bin files only to the same Temp folder. 4) From CD3 again only copy the bin files to[…]


Galactic Civilizations 2

1) Create a Temp folder on your harddrive. Name this folder: GC2_DVD. This will be the name (Label) of our DVD. 2) Copy all the contents from CD1 to the Temp folder. 3) Copy from CD2 to the same Temp folder,the Support Folder and the setup.W02 file 4) Create another folder’s for any Updates, Serial,[…]


Gabriel Knight: Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned

1) Create a Temp folder on your hardrive. Name this folder: GK31. This will be the name (Label) of our DVD. 2) Copy all the contents of CD3 to the GK31 folder. 3) Copy all the contents of CD2 to the same GK31 folder. Choose Yes to overwrite any files if prompted. 4) Copy all[…]

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