Archive for Category : R Archives - CD-2-DVD // Conversions, Software & Custom Installers


Rush for Berlin

1) Create a Temp folder on your hardrive. Name this folder: RUSH FOR BERLIN. This will be the name (Label) of our DVD. 2) Download the RUSH FOR BERLIN Custom Installer from here and extract the contents of the RAR file to the RUSH FOR BERLIN folder. (Custom Installer created by PIGPIG.) 3) Copy the[…]


Runaway: A Road Adventure

1) Make a temp folder (e.g. Runaway) 2) Copy all files from CD1 to temp folder 3) Copy all files from CD2 and CD3 to temp folder keeping the directory structure intact. e.g. files in /DATAA on CD3 are to be copied to temp folder/DATAA. Note: There are no duplicate files/no files to skip when[…]


Rugby 2005

1) Create a Temp folder on your harddrive. Name this folder: RUGBY2005_CD1. This will be the name (Label) of our DVD. 2) Copy all the contents from CD1 to the Temp folder. 3) From CD2 copy the “”, the “DoNothing.exe” and the “GOODTOGO.DAT” files to the Temp folder. 4) Create another folder’s for any Updates,[…]


Rome-Total War + Barbarian Invasion

1) Create a Temp folder on harddrive. Name this folder: Rome_TW_CD1. This will be the Label of our DVD. 2) Copy all contents of CD1 to this Temp folder. 3) From CD2 copy the three “cab” files (, and to the main directory of the Temp folder. 4) Also from CD2 copy the[…]


Rome – Total War

1) Create a Temp folder on harddrive. Name this folder: Rome_TW_CD1. This will be the Label of our DVD. 2) Copy all contents of CD1 to this Temp folder. 3) From CD2 copy the three “cab” files (, and to the main directory of the Temp folder. 4) Also from CD2 copy the[…]


Rome Total War + Barbarian Invasion + Alexander

1) Create a Temp folder on your hardrive. Name this folder: Rome_TW_CD1. This will be the Label of our DVD. 2) Copy all the contents of the Rome Total War CD1 to this Temp folder. 3) From CD2 copy the three “cab” files (, and to the main directory of the Temp folder.[…]


Rome – Total War + Barbarian Invasion + Alexander

(Original conversion by Grumpy, Edited and Updated by princefarzan) 1) Create a Temp folder on your hardrive. Name this folder: RTW_DVD. This will be the name (Label) of our DVD. NOTE: You can use any label you choose for your final DVD. This RTW_DVD folder will be our working folder for this conversion. 2) Download[…]


RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 + Soaked + Wild

Create a Temp folder on your hard drive. Name this folder: RCT3_DVD. This will be the name (Label) of our DVD. Copy all the contents from the RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 CD1 to the Temp folder. Create another folder inside the (RCT3_DVD) Temp folder. Name this folder: Soaked. Copy all the contents from the Soaked CD[…]



NOTE: This conversion will either require the DVD in the drive OR files to be copied to your harddrive to play! There is not really a NoCD crack readily available so some of the game”s configuration files needed to be edited. These edited files can be downloaded from the link below. Also, this game doesn”t[…]


Rise of Nations: Rise of Legends

1) Create a Temp folder on your harddrive. Name this folder: RoN_RoL_DVD :This will be the name or label of our DVD. 2) Copy all the contents from CD1 to the Temp folder. 3) From CD2 copy the file AND the folder: program files : to the same Temp directory. (Click yes to all[…]


Rise of Nations + Thrones and Patriots + Rise of Legends

1) Create a Temp folder on your harddrive. Name this folder: RON_DVD. This will be the name (Label) of our DVD. 2) Inside the RON_DVD folder create 3 folders named “RoN”, “T&P” and “RoL”. (Without the quotes) 3) Copy all the contents of the Rise of Nations CD to the “RoN” folder. 4) Copy all[…]


Rise of Nations + Thrones and Patriots

1) Create a Temp folder on your hard drive. Name this folder: RONDVD. This will be the name (Label) of our DVD. 2) Copy all the contents from the Rise Of Nations CD to the Temp folder. 3) Create another folder inside the “RONDVD” Temp folder. Name this folder: T&P. 4) Copy all the contents[…]



1) Create a Temp folder on your hardrive. Name this folder: RIPPER1. This will be the name (Label) of our DVD. 2) Copy all the contents of CD1 to the RIPPER1 folder. 3) Copy all the contents of CD2 to the RIPPER1 folder. Overwrite any files if prompted. 4) Copy all the contents of CD3[…]


Ring-Legend of the Nibelungen [1998]

1) Create a Temp folder on your hardrive. Name this folder: RING. This will be the name (Label) of our DVD. 2) Copy all the contents from CD4 to the Temp folder. 3) Copy all the contents from CD3 to the Temp folder. Overwrite any files if prompted. 4) Copy all the contents from CD2[…]


Restricted Area

1) Create a Temp folder on your harddrive. Name this folder: Restricted_DVD. This will be the name (Label) of our DVD. 2) Copy all the contents from CD1 to the Temp folder. 3) Copy all the contents from CD2 to the Temp folder. 4) Copy all the contents from CD3 to the Temp folder. 5)[…]


Republic: The Revolution

1) Create a Temp folder on your hardrive. Name this folder: Republic_TR. This will be the Name (Label) of our DVD. 2) Copy all the contents from CD2 to the Temp folder. 3) Copy all the contents from CD1 to the Temp folder. Overwrite any files if prompted. 4) Create another folder’s for any Updates,[…]


Rent A Hero

1) Create a Temp folder on your harddrive. Name this folder: RAH. This will be the Name (Label) of our DVD. 2) Copy all the contents from CD1 to the Temp folder. 3) Copy all the contents from CD2 to the Temp folder. Overwrite any files if prompted. 4) Create another folder’s for any Updates,[…]


Reel Deal Slots: Mystic Forest

1) Create a Temp folder on your hardrive. Name this folder: MysticForest_DVD. This will be the name (Label) of our DVD. 2) Copy all the contents from CD1 to the Temp folder. 3) From CD2 copy the file to the Temp folder. 4) Create another folder’s for any Updates, Serial, Patches and or Cracks[…]


Red Faction 2

Note: This is an older game but backing it up presents an interesting challenge and the technique used may be off some use in the future. You will need the following: Red Faction & working No CD file(S) etc Blindwrite UltraIso 1) Create a Temp folder on your hardrive. Name this folder: RFACTION2_1. This will[…]


Red Faction (UK Version)

1) Create a Temp folder on your hardrive. Name this folder: RF_DVD. This will be the Name (Label) of our DVD. 2) Copy all the contents from CD1 to the Temp folder. 3) Copy all the contents from CD2 to the Temp folder 4) Create another folder’s for any Updates, Serial, Patches and or Cracks[…]


Realms Of The Haunting

Firstly, go to and follow their WindowsXP/DOSBOX guide on installing ROTH from the CD”s and setting it up to run. (If you get the error in D.O.G that says it cant work out which version of DOSBOX you have you need to download the beta exe for D.O.G from its developers forum (registration[…]



1) Create a Temp folder on your hardrive. Name this folder: REAH_1. This will be the Name (Label) of our DVD. 2) Copy all the contents from CD6 to the Temp folder. 3) Copy all the contents from CD5 to the Temp folder. Overwrite any files if prompted. 4) Copy all the contents from CD4[…]


Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc

1) Create a Temp folder on your harddrive. Name this folder: Rayman3_HH. This will be the name (Label) of our DVD. 2) Copy all the contents from CD3 to the Temp folder. 3) Copy all the contents from CD2 to the Temp folder. Overwrite any files if prompted. 4) Copy all the contents from CD1[…]


RalliSport Challenge

1) Create a Temp folder on your harddrive. Name this folder: Rallisport_DVD. This will be the name (Label) of our DVD. 2) Copy all the contents from CD3 to the Temp folder. 3) Copy all the contents from CD2 to the Temp folder. Overwrite any other files if prompted. 4) Copy all the contents from[…]


Rainbow Six: Lockdown

1) Create a Temp folder on your harddrive. Name this folder: RSIXLOCKDOWN1. This will be the Name (Label) of our DVD. 2) Copy all the contents from CD5 to the Temp folder. 3) Copy all the contents from CD4 to the Temp folder. Overwrite files when prompted. 4) Copy all the contents from CD3 to[…]


Rainbow Six: Ravenshield + Athena Sword

Create a folder for Ravenshield an put first the content of cd2 there. Then copy over the content of CD1. Next create a folder eg. AS and put in first content of cd2 then cd1. Now we have the problem that the Athena Sword Setups checks the cd if its the original! We need to[…]


Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield

1) Create a Temp folder on your harddrive. Name this folder: RavenShield_DVD. This will be the name (Label) of our DVD. 2) Copy all the contents from CD2 to the Temp folder. 3) Copy all the contents from CD1 to the Temp folder. Overwrite any files if prompted. 4) Create another folder’s for any Updates,[…]


Railroad Tycoon 3

1) Create a Temp folder on your harddrive and name this folder: RT3_DVD. This will be the name (Label) of our DVD. 2) Copy all the contents from CD1 to the Temp folder. 3) Copy all the contents from CD2 to the Temp folder. Overwrite any files if prompted. 4) Create another folder’s for any[…]



NOTE: This conversion is for the Offline part of the game only! 1) Create a Temp folder on your hard drive. Name this folder: RACE07 NOTE: When burning the DVD this is also the volume label. 2) Copy the entire contents of the DVD9 disc to the Temp folder EXCEPT for the “Online” folder. 3)[…]


Knights of the Temple + Enclave + Rune

1) Create a Temp folder on your harddrive. Name this folder: RuKoEn_DVD. This will be the name (Label) of our DVD. NOTE: Download the Custom Installer from here and extract the contents of the rar file to the RuKoEn_DVD folder. Custom Installer created by Skeraxe. Note: All the folders needed come with the Custom Installer.[…]



* This conversion could fit on a single CD if you delete the DirectX folder. 1) Create a Temp folder on your hardrive. Name this folder: RevenantCD. This will be the name (Label) of our CD. 2) Copy all the contents from the play disc to the RevenantCD folder. 3) Copy all the contents from[…]

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