Doom 3 + Resurrection of Evil

Categories: CD to DVD, D
Tags: No Tags
Published on: December 9, 2011

1) Create a Temp folder on your hardrive.
Name this folder: D3_ROE_1. This will be the name (Label) of our DVD.

2) Download the Doom3 + RoE Custom Installer from here and extract the contents of the rar file to the D3_ROE_1 folder. (Custom Installer created by Skeraxe)

Extracted from the rar file are the following folders:


Doom 3
3) Copy all the contents from CD1 to the Doom3 folder.
Copy all the *.pk4 from CD2 to the same Doom3 folder.
Copy all the *.pk4 from CD3 to the same Doom3 folder.

Inside the Patches folder is a folder named: Doom3
Copy the Update Patch to this Doom3 folder.
Inside the Cracks folder is another folder called: Doom3
Copy the NoCD Crack to this Doom3 folder.

Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil
4) Copy all the contents from the CD to the D3RoE folder.
Inside the Cracks folder is another folder called: D3RoE
Copy the NoCD Crack to this D3RoE folder.

5) Download and Install “Orca”
Once Orca is installed, Right Click the files “Doom3.Msi” and “DOOM 3 Resurrection of Evil.msi” and from near the top of the menu choose “Edit with Orca”.
When opened you will see 2 window panes, go to the “Tables” one on the left and scroll down to “Media”
Click on “Media” this will show you the entries in the Right pane.
Change all the entries in the “VolumeLabel” column to: D3_ROE_1
Then “Save” it.

6) Burn the contents of the Temp folder to a DVD with the Label: D3_ROE_1

INFO about the menu.
* The menu looks into the windows registry for the game.
If it finds that the game is already installed, the install option cant be used anymore in the menu.
The Patch and Crack options can be used.

* It does not matter what you name the patch.
The menu will look inside the patches folder for a directory named after the game you choose in the menu.
If it finds 1 *.exe file, it will run it.

* When you choose the crack option, the menu will look inside the patches folder for a directory named after the game you choose in the menu.
It will look in the windows registry where you have installed the game and then copy 1 *.exe file (usually the crack) to the games root folder to replace Doom3.exe.

* To have the menu insert your serial for either Doom3 or Resurrection of Evil automatically, type your serials in the autorun.inf, replacing the XXXX-XXXX serial.
If you do not want to add your serial to this file, then remove the XXXX-XXXX serial from the file and the menu will not do anything with it.
If you do not remove this, the menu will add XXXX-XXXX… to the installer as a serial which will not work.

Conversion by: Skeraxe

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