Elder Scrolls III : Morrowind + Expansions

Categories: CD to DVD, E
Tags: No Tags
Published on: December 10, 2011

1) On your hard drive create a folder and name it TES3_DVD.

2) Inside the folder create 3 more folders and name them MORROWIND, TRIBUNAL and BLOODMOON.

3) Copy all of the files and folders from the Morrowind CD except autorun.inf and AutoRunMorrowind.exe into the MORROWIND folder.

4) Copy all of the files and folders from the Tribunal CD except Autorun.inf and AutoRunTribunal.exe into the TRIBUNAL folder.

5) Copy all of the files and folders from the Bloodmoon CD except Autorun.inf and AutoRunBloodmoon.exe into the BLOODMOON folder.

6) Once all of the CD’s have been copied open the Custom_Menu.rar and copy all of the files except this one into the root folder TES3_DVD.
Download the Custom Installer, created by “satansraiser”, here.

7) Burn to DVD or make an image with a progam like UltraISO, ISOBuster or WinISO using the label TES3_DVD.

Note: Make sure the folders are named exactly as written or else the menu will not function. If there are any complications installing the game and expansions be sure to use the install Instructions included in the autorun menu.

This menu was made by myself satansraiser though i must add a huge thanks to CD 2 DVD Conversion done by GLH on fileforums.com. Without GLH this superb menu would not have been possible.

Conversion by: satansraiser

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