Tex Murphy Under a Killing Moon

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Published on: February 27, 2012

“Under A Killing Moon” DVD/HD Installer v1.3

This program copies Under A Killing moon to your hard drive with the possibilities to either install the complete game on the hard disc, so that you can directly start playing without the need of any CDs, or to create a special version, which can be burnt to a DVD in order to get rid of these annoying disc changes.
Full installation of the game can also be started at a later point from the DVD.
A special Uninstall isn”t necessary; you can just delete the directory after playing the game or burning the DVD.

You can download the Custom Installer (created by Wintermute) from here.

Currently this installer only supports the English and the German version of the game. Although other languages will also function by choosing English in the installer, some ingame texts, such as letters, hints, inventory names etc., will remain in English language. Furthermore all kind of special characters (like á, ö, ê ) might be displayed incorrectly.
If you have the game in another language than English or German and want to have additional support for it, you can contact me on the “Unoffical Tex Murphy Forum”:

The starting files were patched by me in order to run the game from a single disc (e.g. a DVD).
The newest patch v1.04 is included; furthermore I exchanged the DOS Extender DOS/4GW with DOS/32A, since it runs better on newer hardware and – especially in DosBox – gives better and more stable performance.
If there should arise problems with DOS/32A, you can use the program TEX197.EXE instead for starting the game, which still includes version 1.97 of the old extender DOS/4GW
Notice: This is no XP patch; you still need a DOS environment for starting the game. In Windows XP the use of DosBox v0.65 is recommended.

Special information regarding the DVD version

After the installation program is finished, you should burn the contents of the subdirectory DISK1 on a DVD with the same title.
Attention: The DVD must be called DISK1, otherwise it won””t function properly!

This version can”t be started directly from the hard disc, but rather must be burnt to a DVD or (for example in DosBox) be mounted as a DVD image.
There is still the possibility to create a full installation by simply running the program “Full Install.Exe” from the DVD.
(Alternatively under DOS you can also use FullInst.bat, but since this batch file just has minimal functionality and doesn””t include any error correction, it is only advised as a makeshift solution – use at your own risk.)

Special information regarding the HD Version / Full Installation

Even if the game CDs itself aren”t required anymore, you still must have a functional CD/DVD Rom Drive available, i.e. under DosBox you have to mount one before starting the game, e.g. with the command “mount D D: -t cdrom”, where D: corresponds with a real CD/DVD drive on your system and has to be adjusted accordingly.

Conversion by: Wintermute

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